Sunday, July 10, 2016

Garrick the Bold

It has been a long time since I added minis from my collection to this blog, but there is no time like the present to get caught up. In that spirit, I present Reaper miniature 77008: Garrick the Bold.

This sculpt often called "sir forscale" for his tendency to be used for scale comparisons with larger minis by Reaper and other parties. People have frequently asked me to use him in my various sculpting projects, but I didn't pick this guy up until recently. I stopped by Paizocon this year to meet the good people from Reaper miniatures and fellow forumites for a paint-and-take event they were hosting; it was lots of fun! as an added perk, this fellow was one of the minis that was available for the event, so I snatched him up. Most of the miniature was finished in one sitting that day, and the following Monday I added the base and performed a weapon swap so switch out a floppy sword for a crisp cast. I am a tortuously slow painter under normal circumstances, so I considered this to be startlingly fast relative to my normal plodding pace. It isn't anything special, but not every piece needs to be a masterpiece, and he was a lot of fun and a good memory.

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