Sunday, September 25, 2016

Oni no Jimen, greater and lesser (lava elementals)

I really enjoy the setting of Rokugan, and here are the first minis from that fantastic setting that I am sharing - the massive Oni no Jimen, the "Elemental Terror of Earth." these guys are portrayed as massive lava elementals  rather than the traditional earth elemental, which suits me just fine as I have a place in my collection for both ( I really enjoy painting elementals).
 The smaller "magma" elementals (some of which were reposed) are from the crucible line and were painted in 2014, while the large Elemental Terror is from AEGs clan war line and was the last mini I completed in 2015.

The painting and modeling itself is very simple, with bases created from polymer clay and GS, then painted quickly with a limited palate. while the work is noticeably rough in places it is the cohesive  feel that really sells these guys.