Sunday, April 21, 2024

Stone Juggernaut


This subject is way off script for any of my paint project goals, but the rule of cool wins! This TPK machine comes from one of my long running 3D sculpting subscriptions: "Roleplaying & Miniatures." This sculptor takes his queue directly from subscriber suggestions which are then voted on monthly. Its a pretty cool system, and sometimes my pitch makes the cut! The stone juggernaut was one such suggestion of mine that gained the favor of the masses, and immediately earned a spot on the printer. 

Now, what possessed me to request one, if I have no real plans for it? It is friggin' cool! Stone juggernauts always struck me as one of those horrible and hopeless encounters for PCs - a giant fantasy steamroller made of solid rock set on squishing the heroes to goo? Seems totally unfair! Some are even magic users, which makes me want to evil-laugh. It makes sense that every piece of artwork I have seen of one portrays people running frantically away. Staring down the business end would definitely make me run.

Hobby-wise it was a straightforward project. The hollow print was easy, and the paint-scheme is simplistic; it's just a rock. I couldn't quite figure out how I wanted to handle the base on this boxy construct and I had a few false starts. Eventually I decided to gore-up a flagstone base I had sculpted to represent the remnants of prior victims. It seemed appropriate enough and I don't often do gore, so it was something different. I created the bone fragments and flesh-pulp with a mix of course spices, eggshells, and shredded toilet paper in Modpodge. I think it works pretty well despite being a crude basing technique.

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