Monday, June 10, 2024

Ithorian / Hammerhead / Momaw Nadon


 I have been enjoying the latest Star Wars drop, so I thought I'd ride that nostalgia and post another of my WEG Star wars models. This is SW36 from the Grenadier Models / West End Games "A New Hope" box set. He is a minor character appearing in the iconic cantina scene in that movie, and was an unnamed character at the time ("scum and villainy"). Of course, all of those vagabonds have since earned well developed backstories. He is sometimes portrayed as having a golden or brass staff, but I chose to go with black at the time  (not sure if it is canon - he never appears with a staff on film) because...I liked it. The character is obscure enough that he would stand in well for any Ithorian; I did my best to make him an accurate depiction of the species.  The cantina is well represented the miniatures line, and I hope to one day have a complete set at some point.

On a 25mm base (inverted).

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