Thursday, July 25, 2024

Kobold Sorcerer


 My kobolds were the first really large warband I did where I completed a large variety of character types, from goons all the way to apex threats like this fellow here. They had seen a ton of use because of that, to the point of overuse, so I have taken an extended break from them. That is, until I received a fresh batch from Reaper! I was pleasantly surprised to find that the new models meshed really well with the Ben Siens classics, so I'll give them some reinforcements over the next year. Between them, and my goblins, I am getting close to completing the models needed for one of my favorite 3.5 edition modules "The Sunless Citadel," so I'll need to make a push for that sooner than later.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Fortune Hunters Dr. Heinrich Cornelius / Steampunk Occultist Diver


I wasn't able to finish my paint goal for the week, but it was productive and fun none-the-less. Instead of something new, Ill share another piece from my collection that is on-theme. This is a model from my DeepWars Fortune Hunters warband, rounding it out with a specialist role. This model is on the small size, but loaded with details. I stuck to the paint scheme established with my earlier models, but took the opportunity to add some unique pops of color to help the Dr stand out a bit. In a vacuum I would've gone in a different direction. bit it meshes really well on the game table as it is. I only have a few more Fortune Hunters to post, which means it's time to paint more!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Shark Fin Surface Markers (4)



Sharks! Its that time of year and lately I have been in the habit of working on things that are on-theme for the season. That said, these are not my actual project but, rather appropriately, a preview of what is to come. I thought that some shark fin surface markers would be a fun and useful addition to my miniatures toolkit while I work on the sharks themselves. They'll be a good way of ratcheting up the pressure for encounters over water and I think it'll feel better in-game than having underwater models over the waters surface. 

I made these by grabbing the fins in Meshmixer and stitching them to simple 25x20mm bases before printing. The water texture was added later with green stuff, and the models were painted easily in a single short session. 

Now, on to the fins owners....

Monday, July 1, 2024

Hordling Demon #2 / Sebelex, Devourer of the Dead

This is another old but still great model from the depths of my collection / the pit. Like the previous hordling, it is from the Grenadier Fantasy Lords box set (1984). These sculpts hold up so well I can see myself hunting down the whole lot of 'em. 

The color scheme is the same otherworldly blues and purples with green eyes that I use for most of my other demon models, but he is definitely unique. I like the palate a lot - I'll have to revisit it.