Monday, May 13, 2024

Hordling Demon / Mxomycetes, Duke of the Mire


From one Grenadier line to another. I'm feeling that old school charm, I guess. This is another model I dug out of my childhood toybox, stripped, and repainted. That was sometime prior to 2013 when I started keeping records. Once upon a time (ahem 1984), this model was fearsome and imposing enough to be a named demon - a duke no less! These days he is much less threatening and I use him as a lowly (but unique) hordling.  

Despite the age of the model (and the paintjob), I still like it. Being the creature of habit that I am, this piece laid the groundwork for most of the demons I have painted since (at least those who serve a certain lord).

Sunday, May 5, 2024

RA-7 protocol droid


Continuing on the theme of yesterdays bonus Star Wars post, here is another miniature from the Imperial Forces box set by Grenadier Models and West End Games. It is now known as an RA-7 protocol droid, but the "Death Star Droid" is only referred to as an "Imperial Droid" in the box insert (model SW17). These guys make good weak antagonists in the SW universe, and are appropriately sinister looking with their insectoid like heads.

The paint work here is super simple, just shaded metallics. For an idea of the 25mm "scale" from that era, it is mounted on a 25mm base - a small model by modern standards.

Keepin' it old school. 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Stormtrooper (2)



In celebration of May 4th I have been binging some star wars and have decided to post some additional models from my star wars collection. These are some *old school* stormtroopers in the truest sense - from Grenadier Miniatures 25mm West End Games' line dating back to 1988! These  two are from the same set as the Vader model I posted previously (Imperial Forces box, numbers SW14, SW15, for those of you interested in the WEG line). Apparently I was working my way through the set when these were completed  in 2015. 

Like many other models I have painted from WEG, these were speed-painted, so not my best work. Notably, though, these were my first real attempt at painting large areas of white using off-whites and greys. I think it turned out well, considering, and I still use similar formulas for painting white today (though I still avoid it - white is a tough paint palate to work with!). In retrospect, these retro models have been important learning tools in my painting journey.

For the SW geeks out there, it looks like these guys are packing the classic E-11 blaster rifle and a DLT-20A blaster rifle (without scope). 

May the 4th be with you & "Long live the Empire!"